Monday, March 13, 2017

50th Week in Japan; 3rd Area. Using the gospel to help get over heartbreak.

We are helping that one family from Sri Lanka go to the temple. They have their recommends to do baptisms now but we are just picking another day I think.

[Responding to a comment in the family letter about some workers and their behavior]  I thought of Alma 37:37
37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

Sometimes we can be spared experiences with certain people if we ask God if those particular people we could be associating with in work or business or other meaningful relationships like dating or marriage are worth having in our lives--Always thinking beforehand and asking God if what choice you're making is right, is incredibly important. God knows what we need in order to be happy and he will always guide us to what is right.

I feel that every moment that I am a missionary is important time preparing God's people for the next life.  I read a talk by Joseph Smith called "the King Follett Sermon" I think and he talked much about God's character and it enlightened my understanding.  I look at all these people and they are all preparing to meet Heavenly Father again.  It would be terrible to end this life and to realize that they didn't prepare as well as they could to meet God again.  Not perfecting or tuning themselves.. (as Jesus said that we are to be perfect like our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:48).   I imagine it could be terrifying in a way.  There's such a need for these people to know, and more people are becoming willing to listen to the gospel.  And even if they aren't, they need to hear it and exercise their agency to accept it or not.  I say this because I love God and want to do his will. God doesn't want us to have heartbreak.  But he promises that through the atonement of Jesus Christ that our heartbreak can be healed and forgotten and lifted.   When we come unto Christ by repenting of our sins and keeping God's commandments, living according to our covenants we made, we can experience and have the joy that Jesus Christ's gospel brings.  Even when we feel bad, we can have and hold joy in our hearts because of the hope it brings.  But we don't need to feel bad or heartbroken for a longtime. Yes, it can be hard to forgive, or let go of things, but it's simple. And he is always there with open arms. 

There's an artwork picture of Jesus Christ knocking on a door with no handle.  We have to let him in, he can't come in himself without us letting us in.  I've had times where I have felt unworthy or just heartbroken or lost but when I have followed the way that Jesus Christ teaches in the scriptures, I have found peace and my burdens have been lifted.
I love this scripture because it's true. All the scriptures written by prophets of old and today are inspired and revealed by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no deceiving.
Matthew 11: 
"28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

I know that there is a Savior for us all.  God loves you with all his heart and it is unchangeable, eternal, and always there. Whether or not you feel it or believe it. I was going through one of my studies and answering the "Why" questions to the gospel according to the pamphlets that I have. Many of them said, "Because Heavenly Father loves his children, he sent his children to earth. Because Heavenly Father loves his children, he sent his son Jesus Christ. Because God loves his children, He established families.." :) 

(Changing topics...) We have been using the ukulele a lot for fun examples in teaching. The "Lord, My Redeemer" song has some hard chords and I can't figure out the strumming pattern, but we've been playing children's song book. Speaking of teaching, I recommend studying "Teaching In the Savior's Way" book. It's great!

And I think it's great that you're visiting people at their 🏡 homes.  This ward in Kasukabe needs help.  As I've gotten older and am learning more and more how to care for other children of God, I can see who is hurting and what is going on in the ward. I want to help them the best I can. The daily miracles, or a word for evidence of the hand of the Lord guiding his children, I see is great! We have been helping strengthen the members little by little, helping them do member work, while still declaring the gospel with the angels round about us.

Thank you for your love and support!! Sister Burke is doing better by the way. :)

This is from today!! By the way Sister Griffin (on the right) is from San Diego.

(This is to her sibling:)
Have you ever eaten these Oreos?

Your missionary daughter,
Sister Parker

Sent from the white fields of Japan 🍲🌅

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