Tuesday, May 16, 2017

58th-59th Weeks in Japan; 4th Area. Baptism :-)

[ Two Weeks' of Letters ]


Inspirational thought:

My companion Sister Haroldsen says a lot of inspiring things and I remember one in particular. But there are mainly three different ways a person is motivated to do things. There is one, by fear, which is the lowest form of motivation because it only lasts so long. Then, out of duty, which is higher than fear but only lasts so long.  But then there's the third motivation and that's love. When we are motivated out of love to do things, it lasts much longer and the motivation level is much higher.  Love is also eternal.   When we do things out of love, it is the best.

People and the occasion were not identified in the email


This past week, a person I taught in Kasukabe got baptized, and I got to attend!  M******. She's great!

                        Sister Burke (in Kasukabe), Baptismal gal (M*****), and Sister Parker

I also have two more investigators here in Urawa who have baptismal dates in the queue:  R**** (a boy in a "part member" family originally from the Philippines) is getting baptized at the end of May, and (female) H***** is getting baptized the first week of June!  At least for her, that's the goal that has been set unless the date needs to be changed. 

We had some p-day recreation today and I got out of my comfort zone and played Dodgeball with the scary elders (they throw the ball hard) but I won a lot, HAHAHA!! 

Here are some pictures of zone p-day:

                                                                     After Zone P-Day fun

                                                   Eikawa class (English conversation)

Season for beautiful flowers 

Have a great week!! 

Sister Parker

Sent from the white fields of Japan

Monday, May 1, 2017

57th Week in Japan; 4th Area. Pure love helps remove fear.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello Everyone!

Church was great!  We had M_____i [female name, different person than last week], one of our investigators come to the international group (the English ward/congregation, except it's not that big of a group).  We were able to work with the members more and help them out and are building better relationships.  Urawa is a great ward [congregation]!  Everyone has so much of Christ's light in their faces, it makes me happy to come to church every week.  A returned missionary shared this scripture and talked about that as well 
     (Alma 5:14. This is one my favorite chapters, especially in high school).  
And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?

Prophecies foretold are coming true!  Jesus Christ will be coming soon! 
[Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Timothy 3:1-8 regarding the last days prophecied apostacy from the truth and goodness.  Sister Parker wrote this in response to her mother's recent letter about the congregation's discussion about local youth struggling to be an example and have faith in the face of so many people not believing in God or righteous values anymore--they feel like the minority!]:   

I'm so glad that the young man in our home ward [congregation] had the courage to stand alone in his beliefs. It's so important to love and help support the youth.  The Spirit can guide them to stay pure in a world full of bad influences and temptations.

I've been thinking lately.  Well, off and on, I think about and pray about how I can talk to people and not be afraid.  But from Elder Choi's recent conference when he came to Japan, we talked a lot about  the 'Open Your Mouth' and speak concept.  The first session really was a call to repentance. And I felt that my faith was boosted after applying the things I learned.  This transfer, my theme is "Faith, Hope, and Charity." But in Moroni 8, at the end it talks about these three attributes of Christ and how essential they are to each other. They are also gifts of God.  Gifts of God that we can receive freely as long as we ask and then try to accomplish them.

So yesterday, I prayed for charity, again. I prayed that I may be filled with the love of Christ. Love for Christ, feel Christ's love, and love for his people.  And I've made a goal recently that I really felt strong about, especially during the conference, that I set goals to find 12 prepared people to be baptized and baptized within my mission.  I'm still figuring out the plans.  But I've been trying to talk to everyone on the streets and trains without fear. and really trying to show love and care for them and it's made a difference and I felt love.  This combination of faith in Jesus Christ and pure love for him and his people, through actions is what has helped me feel more happiness, more motivation to do good, and more of the Spirit being poured upon.

So like the same for the youth or anyone we are teaching, teaching with pure love and always looking to the Savior for help and guidance and trusting that he knows how to help them and yourself, is key.  I highly recommend studying the scriptures on how the Savior taught others. 
When reading scriptures, I've found that when I pray with questions and search for those answers wherever I'm reading, it helps me have an effective study and feel like I've feasted on that manna! 

We are going to take a little break and practice a musical for MLC this Thursday [K-Mom:  I don't know what MLC is].  Probably sister Nagano [the mission president's wife] will record it and you may see it on Facebook.  

Sister Parker, Kirsten.


Google translation: "A perfect love removes every fear." Moroni 8: 16

Here's a video of my apartment.   Typical sister missionary apartment here in Japan:

Friday, April 28, 2017

56th Week in Japan; 4th Area. Walking and knocking.


Hello family and friends, and readers,

Sister Haroldsen and I are doing great!  It was a great week.  We've been working with our investigators and the ward more. 

I remember now that Sister training leaders are newer.  So, they are like zone leaders, but mostly for the Sisters. :)  It's really great to work with the sisters.  I'm learning new things from them and often it's humbling.

We have an investigator who is 8 years old.  His name is R____ and he is from the Philippians.  I'll send a picture next week maybe if I have it.  He loves loves loves cars, just like my brother.  We saw a Ferrari, I think, yesterday before we had a lesson.  I think I've seen some Audis in Japan too.

 H______-San in particular is doing really well.  She came to F.H.E (Monday Family Home Evening) and Airi Shimai fellowshipper really well.  Afterwards we shared: 

3 Nephi 11:30 "Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away." 

In our lesson previously she asked, "If everyone believed in Jesus Christ and these things, would it really bring world peace?"  We said yes!  And when we shared this scripture and testified of Jesus Christ she said that she could feel it pierce or enter into her heart.  We walked together and she said that she loves coming to the church because she always leaves with this biiiig smile on her face.  We have high hopes for H______. I'm so glad that she is letting the Spirit teach her! :D

Also Elder Choi visited our mission and it was soooooo greaaaaaaaattt.   I will try to write next week about that, or maybe I'll send a paper letter about it. :)  he had the general conference talk this year, "Don't look around, look up." And D&C 6:36 has become my theme scripture for the rest of my mission I think.   36 Look unto me in every thoughtdoubt not, fear not.

Also other quotes he said a few days ago. "If you don't like it, like it!" And then we sang "I like to sing" that's in the children's Primary music book.   We turned it into "knock" and "walk" and "run"
So it's like:

"Sing, sing, sing,
I like to sing.
I like to sing a song!
Sing, sing sing." And then we go like:
"Walk, walk, walk
I like to walk
I like to walk all day!
Walk, walk, walk." 
"Knock, knock, knock,
I like to knock.
I like to knock on doors!
Knock, knock, knock."

And different things like that. But he really helped us see everything as fun!  Missions are fun!  Even though things are hard he helped ME see more how I can enjoy everything that comes.  And it really makes me feel happier! 


Sister Parker

Sent from the white fields of Japan ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒ…

[Kirsten's comments about the song.. walk and knock reminded me of:
Revelation 3:20

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

From the internet.  Greg Olsen art.  "Let Him In."  Rev. 3:20

Monday, April 17, 2017

55th Week in Japan. 4th Area. Easter Message.

Mosiah 15:
"7 Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.
8 And thus God breaketh the bands of death, having gained the victory over death; giving the Son power to make intercession for the children of men--
9 Having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy; being filled with compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice; having broken the bands of death, taken upon himself their iniquity and their transgressions, having redeemed them, and satisfied the demands of justice."

This week has been great!! One cool thing I realized about Japan is that every time you bow at someone, that person bows back to you.  Guaranteed.๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป 
Also, we cover the Urawa area and the Koshigaya area!!  So we are riding the train back and forth. And we are finding more and more people to teach!  I really love the people and want to help them.  It's no longer scary or a worry to think about what to do, because I know the Lord will help me!  I'm striving to do what's right and to pray with all my heart for His children.  When we focus on the Lord's vineyard, his people, we become part of a great work and it's fun and absolutely joyful!!

There's so much to do and I love it!! I really feel immersed in Heavenly father's work in spreading the joyful news of Jesus Christ.  I know that all who come unto Jesus Christ, believe him, follow him in His ways, trust him, can be healed and changed into a better self.  For he is, the Prince of Peace. He loves us, "being filled with
compassion.." and this is eternal.  He died and was resurrected after three days.  We too will conquer death because of His loving sacrifice.

On Facebook, the church posted a short video and I took a snap of it. 

Because of Jesus Christ we will be resurrected and live still after this life, like Him. But we can be resurrected now, too. "We can rise above" the world, our pains, impurities, inflictions, ใชใฉ [and such, etc.] , and be free from sin. It's a lifestyle and a regular pattern of living like the Savior and partaking of his free love!

I don't know much, but I do know that. I've seen it in myself and in my investigators and in other members. Trying to help people change their lives and partake of eternal salvation is such a joy. Heavenly Father does know his children and loves them. He provided a Savior to give us help and guidance as we strive to overcome this life as we wait to enter into the next, a better world, to live with Heavenly Father again. :)

The church has been restored and the priesthood authority of God is on earth again. The Lord is hastening its work and this message is spreading throughout the globe.

I'll try to write more about investigators and the wards next week! Love you all!!

Read the Book of Mormon!! Everyday! 

Sister Parker

Sent from the white fields of Japan ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒ…

55th Week in Japan, 4th Area. New Paths.

Week one as a Sister Training Leader and I love it.  I still feel unworthy as a sister Training Leader , and by that I mean I want to become more humble and be able to follow the Spirit more in all I do.  Sister Haroldsen is my new companion and she is wonderful!!  She majored in a English and she is really funny.  She's a great example and we also have something to do.  It makes me even happier to serve the Lord.  In the white [missionary] handbook it talks about how being a leader should be viewed as opportunities to serve others, develop greater love, and learn.  And that's actually what I've been praying for. I hope to learn a lot this transfer and be a clean vessel for the Lord to use for His work.

The Lord really is hastening His work.  More people are coming to mission school and through that more people are being exposed to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
There was an Eikaiwa [English conversation class] student who came to the international ward [congregation] (we have two wards to attend in this area) and we gave her a Book of Mormon and she says she wants to come again and learn to apply the things she learned.  Also, H_____-chan [female].  H_____ is a 20 year old student we met this weekend. I took this out of my weekly letter to the mission president:

We saw amazing miracles happen this weekend. H_____-San [same person listed above] is a sweet spot of the week, and we met with her for a first lesson and she just loves the light that all the members have and the smiling faces and she wants to be happy like that.  We set really good expectations and she recognized the Spirit while we prayed and talked and asked questions and listened.  She said that she would be baptized if she knew that all the things we taught her were true.  I really felt guided by he Spirit.  Sister Haroldsen and I were both inspired and were able to help her understand some doctrine and principles. We have high hopes for H_____!

Also at the international group, an Eikaiwa student, M_____ [another female investigator], came to church.  She first got a *chirashi from her sister who got it from missionaries at a ้…ใ‚Šไผš [literal, "distribution" -- I am not sure what she is saying here.]。She came to Eikaiwa about 2 months ago and from the spiritual messages had interest in coming to church. She loved it and we gave her a Book of Mormon. She wants to apply the things she learned at church and find happiness!!  So she will probably be coming to Stake Conference [multi congregational Sunday meeting].

I also have a Japanese joke:
Hanataba ni shitemo matomaranai ohana wa naani?
What flower cannot be put into a bouquet?
Answer: bara (rose)
It's a pun. 'Barabara' means scattered.

I hope this flower joke brightened your Spring day!!

Sister Parker ❤️๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•

p.s. some definitions:
Chirashi, also called chirashizushi (ใกใ‚‰ใ—ๅฏฟๅธ) is a Japanese meal. The word "chirashi" means "scattered," so this is basically a big bowl of rice mixed with fish, vegetables, and additional ingredients of your choice.

-chan:  Informal.  This is an endearing female honorific. While it’s most commonly used for children, it’s also used fairly widely among family and friends.

-San:  Formal.  The most common formal honorific is -san, and it translates (approximately) to Ms. and Mr..  It’s used among peers and in public settings, like offices or schools (unlike in the United States., coworkers and fellow students usually refer to each other formally). It’s also used for acquaintances.   You never use this title for yourself; it is not self designated.

For more information on Japanese Honorifics:  see http://takelessons.com/blog/japanese-honorifics-z05

Pictures!  ๐Ÿ˜„❤๐Ÿค— enjoy!

With a member

another member's baby (Jun-kun!)

 my new companion Sister Haroldsen

a reunion with Sister Boden, former companion (on the right)

 district lunch last transfer 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

54th week in Japan. 3rd Area. Transfer calls, Easter videos.


Hello Everyone!

I'm transferring to Urawa and I will become this zone's Sister Training Leader!!  I hope I can learn a lot!!  I know I will actually.  I really want to give my trust to the Lord and help bring his sheep into his fold.

There are two investigators that I know will get baptized in Kasukabe and President Nagano said I can return here for the baptism because I'll be close by.

Now, if I didn't get a baptism in my mission, it wouldn't matter.  As long as I'm giving everything to the Lord and giving my heart, mind, strength, and might to the Lord.  He is very important to me and I know he loves his children, I know he loves me and he loves you so much.  He knows your needs.  I prayed about this and I want to give as much time to the Lord as I can.  I really really love Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and I know that blessings will be in store the more I give to the Lord.  And I know that after my mission I can continue to help people.  And I do want to help my family.  I know that it may seem like I'm not giving much attention to my family, but I'm doing the best I can when I'm writing on Mondays.   I definitely want to put priority on family when I return home, and I believe the Lord will bless my family. 

And here's a video that I watched recently that I really liked. Easter Mormon messages has a new serious

Principles of Peace: Faith #PrinceofPeace  Click here: Easter 2017 video

Many people, if they were given only 15 months to live, would sink into despair. But through her faith in Jesus Christ, Kristin found the strength to carry on. Learn how her faith helped her to trust in God’s plan for her family.    Click here: video from Mormon.org about Kristin

I really look forward to seeing you in a few transfers :)  I have many experiences to share with you, [The recent] General Conference was amazing too.  Each talk was an answer to my prayers.  It strengthened my faith.  And I know that no matter what happens in this time period, I know that when we put our trust in the Lord we will never fail and He blesses, loves, uplifts, and refines us into something more beautiful a human mind could ever imagine.


Sister Parker

Sent from the white fields of Japan ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒ…

53rd Week in Japan; 3rd Area. Quick visit.


Sorry not too much time to write.  I'm sorry I look tired in the video. :)  I have hiccups right now.

Sister Parker/Kirsten

Sent from the white fields of Japan ๐Ÿฒ๐ŸŒ